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There’s an old saying that “tomorrow is the 1st day of the rest of your life”… and I believe it’s true!

Many of our youthful dreams we once had can be sparked today with a new outlook.

Remember when you were in your 20’s and you had big plans that you were going to accomplish before you reached the ripe old age of 50?  Well, guess what?… that 30 year span is what most of us have in good years still ahead!

So why not start a new vision board (get out some old magazines and cut out vacation locations, hobby pics, homes without a lot of stairs, new business ideas etc.. and paste them together on bristol board) or just make up a bucket list of all your exciting new visions of you living the life you know you deserve.

You’ll be amazed how you’ll get inspired to write that novel, plan the dream vacation, prepare for the marathon or start that business out of what has been a much-loved hobby for years.

Now, more than when you were in your twenties you probably have the time to get going on concrete goals for the new half of your life.  After all, if tomorrow is the 1st day of the rest of your life, why not make it “awesome?!”