Inspiration, Fun, Fashion, Beauty, Travel

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Hey awesome ones,

Have you ever dreamt that there’s another way to live your life, the entrepreneurial road less traveled?

Well Bill and I are taking the plunge with Awesome over 50. We’ve already invested quite a bit of time into it since September (OMG that’s 9 months) on our new business baby.

I feel excited as we study videos, social marketing platforms, camera lighting, sound, networking and about 1,000 other things we need to learn. We’re almost ready to launch our first You Tube video and that will be a major turning point.

There’s a reality check as I picture myself many years from now in a rocking chair. I would rather have tried to take this road than live with regrets that I never gave it a shot.

Both Bill and I feel very strongly that we should embrace the next 40+ years of our life. We see many who have decided that their life is nearing the end where we say “it’s still just the beginning!” We want to suggest to those who are in a rut that life right now can be awesome with travel, inspirational thoughts, entertainment, fashion and most of all fun! For many of us there are dreams that lived vividly in our past. It may be time to re-live them once again. There’s a youthful feeling in dealing with risk, learning, excitement and even disappointment. There is a spark as we embark on this Awesome over 50 adventure and although there are two of us, you don’t need a partner to make your dreams happen for you.

Please feel free to join us on our journey as we stumble and skip towards our future, or better yet walk beside us as you embark on your own journey down the awesome entrepreneurial road less traveled.
