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Hey Awesome over 50’s,

Sometimes I have a bad day. We all have them, but how do you break the negative energy? I’ve found that just dwelling on the craziness or disappointment just makes matters worse so instead I go within my mind to my “happy place”.
I drift off in my memory to a balcony overlooking a white sand beach. I can almost smell the warm salt air, the gentle breeze through the palm trees and hear a steel drum playing in the distance. I can stay there as long as I want as a form of meditation and remember that I’ve also had very, very good days.  Once I’ve been transported in my mind to a place and time far better than the real moment I can stay there as long as I want and drift back whenever I’m ready to face my day.  Generally things now will look a little more like the glass is half full. It really boils down to a matter of perspective.  I used to be told that “everything will be better in the morning” but quite frankly on most of my bad days, I can’t wait that long.  My “happy place” is there 24/7  to greet me with a warm assurance that this too will pass.

So find yourself your favorite photo, be it on a vacation, with loved ones or with your family pet and put it on a wall where you can see it. The more you look at it the more it will be a permanent photograph in your mind and you can call on it whether you’re at home or elsewhere. Share it with us if you would like, so others might be inspired to find that special photograph similar to yours.
Greet your next bad day with a calm smile, knowing you’ve got this covered and things will soon be “awesome again”.
