Inspiration, Fun, Fashion, Beauty, Travel

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Hey Awesome Ones, you don’t have to be in your 20’s to still have dreams and goals. As a matter of fact that hobby, craft or entrepreneurial spirit that you love could have more time to develop now that the kids are older. As you know, Bill and I took a leap-of-faith just over a year ago and started up our business idea of Awesome over 50. We felt that instead of people having a mid-life crisis, they should embrace the next 40 years or so with excitement and awesomeness! We must admit that it’s been a road less traveled of bumps and detours but we’re still on the path and excited to see what each day brings. As we are posting this blog we have a Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and You Tube channel. We really dug into the YouTube channel with beauty & Fashion (since I’m a former 1980’s model) and also added inspirational, fun, food and travel videos a few months ago too. In this video we not only give you an update where we’re at (almost 40,000 subscribers on YouTube! Whoo Hooo!) and what we plan to do in the near future but we also hope to inspire you to dust your old dreams off and go for them! You only live once. Share your amazing self and show the world (or even just a few people, it really doesn’t matter) those talents, personality or creative aspects of your awesome self!

Oh & By the way… We were just accepted by Amazon and opened our new Awesome over 50 Storefront with my  *makeup, *fashion, *kitchen & comfy *home goods *Gifts for Her *Gifts for Him & more (here’s the link…)  or   (new items added to it weekly) **Note: You still pay the same as what Amazon always charges, but we make a bit of commission, so THANKS for that!)

Oh.. and one more thing … We recently discovered a way to have a “Tip Jar” ($5. per month) to support & help with the costs of our videos. More info at
Our heartfelt gratitude if you help, we really appreciate your support to keep our videos going.
We also have included some perks too for anyone supporting us including Exclusive Q & A’s, behind the scene videos, bloopers, specialty videos & lots more. We call it the AWESOME OVER 50 CLUB so a big THANK YOU if you do join, You’re Awesome!   -from Myself (Heather), Bill & little Hurricane XXOO