Styling Tips Fall & Winter 2024
Today lets go from blah to better with our outfits with these 6 styled looks. Although my fashion videos are popular with women over 50 & 60 this tutorial could be of interest to a woman in her 40s too. Enjoy! (many of the items I modeled are below...) Baleaf...
Amazon Haul & Amazing Deal Days!
Today I want to talk about finding a bargain and this is the time to do so! I also will show you my latest fashion finds including clothing, shoes, belts, purses and jewelry. Although my videos are popular with women over 50 & 60 this informational video could...
Leggings Do’s & Don’ts Women’s Fashion Over 50
Leggings Do's & Don'ts are featured in this video with many tips for wearing with outfits. Although my styling tutorials are popular with women over 50 & 60 this fashion video could be of interest to a woman in her 40's too. Enjoy! (many of the items I'm...
Mistakes Wearing Dresses Fall & Winter Edition
This styling tutorial will help you to feel confident to wear dresses again no matter your age or size, with the 7 tips I have included. Although my fashion videos are popular with women over 50 & 60 this styling of dresses tutorial could be of interest to a...
Look Elegant & Classy On A Budget
Today I have 14 Tips on how to look classy & elegant on a budget. I model outfits from dressed-up to dressed down casual. Although my fashion tutorials are popular with women in their 50s and 60s this video could be of interest to a woman in her 40s too. Enjoy!...
6 Mistakes Wearing Tops & Blouses
Recently I did a styling tutorial on mistakes wearing pants and it was so popular I thought I'd do a new fashion video on 6 mistakes wearing tops & blouses. Although my tutorials are popular with women over 50 & 60 this video could be of interest to a woman...
6 Ways To Style A Black Dress Over 50
Today I will introduce you to my newest little black dress and give you 6 Ways to Style a Black Dress (even with the one's you have in your closet.) From dressed up for a special event to dressed down and casual for daytime there are lots of styling tips in this...
6 Mistakes Styling Pants Women Over 50 & 60
Sometimes we just get in a rut and wear the same old pants day after day. So today I have a new styling tutorial for you on 6 Mistakes Wearing Pants (in my opinion). I'll show you the before and after photos and tips & tricks to bring up your style game while...
5 Fashion Mistakes To Stop Wearing Fall & Winter Women Over 50 & 60
I know that many of you love my "please don't wear" fashion tutorials and remember that this is just my opinion. Today I have many trends & other styles that could go wrong and I've included before and after photos. Although many of my styling videos are...
Best Fashion Trends Haul Fall & Winter 2024
Today I have a brand new fashion haul for you focusing on Fall & Winter trends with outfit inspirations. With these affordable pieces you can look chic without breaking the bank. Although my fashion tutorials are popular with women over 50 & 60 this could...
Fix Aging Hooded Eyes Makeup Tutorial Over 50 & 60
Today I have a great eye-lift tutorial that is just done with makeup! Whether your eyes have aged, are droopy or hooded, these tips could be what you're looking for. Although many women over 50 & 60 watch my videos, this one could be of interest to a woman in...
7 Mistakes With New Denim Trend Women Over 50 & 60
Today let's look at the latest denim trend. Denim styles, fashions and materials have changed over the years and so have the way we should wear them. I have 7 styling mistakes for you today especially if you're a woman over 50 & 60 & 70 with many before and...