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I believe as many of us over 50 get older we try to set aside more time from the hustle and bustle of Christmas buying , selling and commercialism to kick back and relax a bit more.

One of my Christmas rituals is to cozy up on the couch with a warm drink in my hand and watch “Family Man” with Nicolas Cage and Tea Leoni. It has become my favorite Christmas movie, followed by a close second and third pick  of “Christmas Vacation” and “It’s a Wonderful Life”.

Why do I love Family Man so much? Well, I can relate to it. You see I have memories of the “greedy eighties” where the old saying of “greed is good” was a popular phrase. I had to have the latest and greatest “things”. The car, the dresses, the house, even the right kind of social circles. Once I achieved what I thought I wanted, I remember sitting by the fireplace, deep in thought and saying to myself… “is that all there is?”
I moved on from that moment, had kids and became a “family woman” and then I started to relate to some of the scenes in the movie Family Man.  There’s one in particular where Nicolas Cage looks at his young daughter and asks Tea Leoni, “Where are my Mary Janes?”, (nope he’s not talking about what you may be thinking), he’s talking about a pair of new shoes. How many times did I had to set money aside for diapers, day care, baby food and looked longingly to my old dresses and shoes wondering if I’ll ever get anything new again? My new “look” was stretchy tops and pants. Mostly my old maternity clothes or beige boring outfits where spit-up stains could be camoflaged in the design. I certainly didn’t have to think about the “greedy eighties” anymore or people envying me, or did I?
There’s a lovely conversation in the Family Man where Nicolas Cage asks Tea Leoni “Don’t you want people to envy you” and she looks him in the eye and says…”They already do”. I love being a family woman where my days aren’t filled with what I’m going to buy or purchase anymore. I really love experiences and of course my loved ones and my family. Another thing about this mindset is once you get over 50, if you’re like me, and you think someone may be judging you for how little you have, you shrug your shoulders and finally say “that really doesn’t matter to me anymore”.  A wonderful move towards a happier life and genuine contentment.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Feeling inspired to find a great Christmas movie? Here’s a link that could help Christmas Movies