“Afternoon Tea” Date Day at a Swanky Hotel
Hey Awesome ones, Today was our date day and we (well mostly me) thought it would be nice to enjoy afternoon tea at an amazing a turn of the century hotel. As we enjoyed the amazing atmosphere that brought us to the Victorian age, picked out our favorite tea from...
Planning a Fun List!!
Hey Awesome ones, How many times have you come across a fun thing to do and said "one day we should do that" then missed the moment to write it down and plan it into your schedule? In this video Bill and I share how we plan for fun in an easy 12 month planner that...
Hey Awesome ones, Ahhhh, is something most of us can't wait to say when we finally get home... but how much TLC does your home offer you? In this video I'm sharing my Top 10 items that makes my home more comfy and tranquil. Something we all seem to need a little...
Natural Finish French Manicured Look with NO POLISH
Hi Awesome ones, I have been doing a great nail technique for many years now that keeps my nails healthy and looks like a french manicure with absolutely no nail polish! In this video I show how I take care of my maturing hands and allow my nails to "breathe"....
My Top 10 Drugstore Haul Products, most under $10.00
Hey Awesome ones, I decided to do one of those popular drugstore hauls but in true Heather fashion mine has a bit of a twist. I decided not to just look at the makeup section but also take my time going up each aisle to find some interesting gems. I then put my top...
Sharing my Top 10 Secrets to Keeping a more Youthful Look
(Scroll down for Product List of Many Items I used in the video) Hey Awesome ones. Being an 80s model and keeping up with the tricks and tips on trying to keep a bit of a youthful glow I thought I would share a few secrets I've learned. I'm always flattered when...
Wishing all the AWESOME OVER 50’s the very best for the Holiday Season!
We are so grateful for all of the Awesome One's who take the time to join us on our blogs, videos and journey. Wishing you all the best for the holiday season and may 2018 be filled with happiness, health and of course awesomeness! Heather, Bill and our little...
Finding Similar Styles to my TOP 5 WINTER OUTFITS for Women over 50
(Scroll down for Product List of Many Items I used in the video) Hey Awesome Ones, If you're looking for the same or similar fashion items that I showed in my “Top 5 Winter Fashion for Women over 50” video *I wasn’t able to get everything exactly as I have showed...
Products I use for my Curly Hair
(Scroll down for Product List of Many Items I used in the video) Hey Awesome ones, Many of you have been commenting on how much you like my curly hair style and are asking how I get it the way I do. (P.S. Thanks for that!) Therefore I have provided links here to...
Here’s Where You Can Find My 10 Most Awesome Things
(Scroll down for Product List of Many Items I used in the video) Hey Awesome ones, If you've seen my TOP 10 MOST AWESOME FINDS video you'll know that these are my actual items that I have had in my home for years and ABSOLUTELY LOVE!! I have provided links here to...
My 10 Minute Make-up Routine
Hey Awesome Ones, I find that these days putting on makeup isn't as easy as it was in my twenties. I need a little more "swoosh" in the outer corners of my eyes to upturn my aging down-turned eyes and some magic of eye shadow to un-hood my newly formed hooded lids....
Here’s a List of Some of the Makeup I use in my Videos
You've been asking for names and where you can get many of the makeup brands I used in my beauty videos, so here they are! We have below some links if you would like to browse and perhaps purchase some of them. (scroll down to find the products) If you do order...