Correct Your Aging with Makeup, Eyes, Face, Lips etc…
Hey Awesome ones, So maybe you have stopped using makeup because as you have aged your face is so different you don't know how to apply it anymore. Maybe with everything in your face drooping or sagging you think the only hope is needles or surgery. Well I'll show...
Want to Learn to Charcoal BBQ? Tips, Tricks & Tools
Hey Awesome ones, There's something amazing about a charcoal taste of food that's been barbequed on coals. It almost takes you back to a time when things were simpler, maybe to those memories of outdoor picnics or camping trips. In this video Bill shares with you...
Are You Living Your True, Authentic Self in Fashion?
Hey Awesome ones, Remember when you were young? Are you still living your true & authentic self through fashion & style or have you conformed to age appropriate uniforms or to what others think you should wear? With all the options for women to wear in...
Relaxing, Calming Video We Made for You… Available anytime you need it
Hey Awesome ones, Need help for relaxing, stress relief, meditation, falling asleep? Bill and I put together a calming video for you with peaceful piano music. It's only about 5 minutes & available whenever you need it. We have nature, sunsets, calm ocean &...
Makeup Brushes I Use for Eyes, Lips, Blush & Contouring
Hey Awesome Ones! I've had some requests to share with you the shapes and styles of the makeup brushes I use. There are quite a few of them and since they are tools of the makeup trade I tried to include them all. Being a former 80s model I learned from some of the...
My Top 10 Healthy, Quick Snacks or Light Lunches
Hey Awesome ones, Today I'm going to share my top ten healthy snacks with you. Do you find around 3 p.m. you get hungry like I do? Well next time you reach for the junk food in a bag maybe play back this video and replace it with one of my healthy, quick and easy...
Top 10 Ten Summer Fashion, Shoes & Accessory Finds
Hey Awesome ones, As the temperatures rise and we start to have a little more fun-in-the-sun it calls for a change in our wardrobe. I've put together 10 of my favorite items that I can't live without in my wardrobe and want to share them with you on this casual...
6 Hour Backyard & BBQ Area Makeover
Hey Awesome Ones, So I admit, I'm not a professional landscaper or designer but Bill and I converted this mess of a backyard to a lovely area to BBQ, relax and enjoy life under a beautiful lilac tree and we did it in less than 6 hours. This was a seldom used area...
5 Weight-Loss , Diet Fad Rules I’ll Never Obey Again
Hey Awesome ones, Keeping the weight off over 50 is tough. It seems that I just look at a piece of chocolate cake and gain 5 pounds! I've learned so much however, from my modelling days when I was younger and how obsessing about weight can be dangerous. I, myself,...
Tag Along on our Sunset Boat Cruise
Hey Awesome ones, We took an amazing sunset boat cruise the other day on a lake and it was amazing. We wanted to share it with you so we filmed bits and pieces along the way. Tag along with us as we enjoy a beautiful evening filled with a lovely buffet dinner,...
How I Now get a Good Night Sleep
Hey Awesome ones! I used to suffer from insomnia most nights. It's not an experience you want to keep having for the rest of your life so I went on a mission to try to cure it without sleeping pills. It was a slow process but it turned into a nightly routine with...
Men’s New Fashion Trends I Now Have in my Wardrobe
Hi Awesome ones, It's my turn to talk about fashion, and today it's about men's fashion trends... should you buy them for your wardrobe? These trends unlike others, seem to have staying power over the last several years. Since I'm a man over 50 I'm slow to just...