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Here are my top 10 things to do to “Welcome Spring”

1.Jazz up the Pantry… It’s outdoor cooking time again! Time to get out to the home shows, neighborhood gourmet shops and stock up on all the newest sauces, marinades and cooking ingredients. Try to make a meal from a different country once a month. There’s at least 900 ways to cook up that steak. Have fun and discover something new and delicious.

2. Out with the Old… Time to de-clutter, toss, keep or donate. If you want to actually save money on clothes, go through your closet and discover what you actually have. You’ll be amazed at how many white shirts or black pants you own. Sometimes we just buy the same look over and over again. Throw out the repetitive clothing and the outfits you’ll never wear again, or better still, donate them to a local charity. You might just find that you really don’t need to buy new clothes this Spring at all and can get by with just a few new stylish, colorful accessories.

3.  Redecorate on a Budget… by watching T.V!  Those home designing shows have saved me a fortune on decorating costs. I’ve changed my country look to contemporary with just a few pails of paint, accessories and decorative pillows. With money tight these days we really should be tightening up the budget on that fancy new kitchen and outdoor living area.  Before you head out to the neighborhood home decorating store, sit on your couch in front of the T.V. and cut your budget down to half with some of this country’s best decorators and their design-on-a-dime advice.

4. Get Some Vitamin D…the old fashioned way…That’s right, get some rays! Put on some sunscreen and spend a acceptable time in the sun and get a healthy glow. You can just feel the magic healing powers of the sun’s rays while you take in a few deep breaths of that cool crisp air…everybody say yeahhhhhhh

5. Workin at the Car Wash… All that salt and grime has got to go, but instead of just driving through the local car wash put on the tunes, your favorite spring workout clothes and lather up your ride. Lose the grime and dirt and maybe even a few pounds as you make washing your car your latest dancercize.

6. Buy some Crisp new Sheets and Pillowcases… If you’ve survived another winter with those flannelette sheets, it’s time to leave that sandpapery feel and buy an exquisite set of a high thread count of cotton sheets. There’s something about the coolness of cotton that says “bring on the summer weather”.

7.  Stop living the Broke N’ Life…Do you have one of those home that after a long winter is full of broken things? It’s amazing how broken things almost become invisible after awhile. You know what I mean…the broken screen door, the interlocking brick work that shifted out of place with the ice, and all those burnt out lightbulbs. I finally realized that all of those broken things were secretly making me feel like I was broke n’ life and without getting into all the psychology, just fix the stuff and you’ll feel better.

8. Take $50.00 and re-vamp your Look… Take a good look in the mirror and see what old man winter and indoor heat has done to you, then smile and head out to the local drugstore and start looking marvelous again. There are so many shiny hair products, teeth whiteners, skin and hand moisturizing products to make you feel alive again and give you back your healthy glow.

9.  Go Homemade and stay healthier…Ever clean your home and get a headache afterwards? I found out that all those chemicals that I was using around the house were really making me sick. I discovered that by helping the environment and buying organic green products or even just using vinegar and water as a cleanser for windows and other household areas I not only helped the earth but helped my own health as well.

10. Get out there…Dig out those jogging shoes or your bike and get out with your spouse, yourself or your kids. Enjoy the spring weather and all the healing aspects the cool fresh air can give you. “Spring is in the air” for such a short time, enjoy it while you can… for many of us staying inside again with the air conditioner on full blast is just around the corner.
